Many waited for the end of 2020, because reality removed our comfort zone, forcing us to make an extra effort to get ahead.
Now 2021 has arrived, although he seems to be the younger brother who collects the bad habits of his predecessor. The pandemic, far from dimming, takes on new verve, entering a vicious circle that reminds us of Albert Einstein’s phrase, “if you seek different results do not always do the same things.” It seems that we are inside that famous film “Groundhog day”, where the same situations were repeated over and over again.
We may be able to have little influence on this new scenario as ordinary citizens, however, we can take action in our own companies or work to evolve with the new tools that are coming to market.
Technology for quality selection and packaging systems has been incorporated into the citrus agri-food industry, achieving very important advances over the past decade. However, treatments to maintain the quality and health of the fruit during its post-harvest period, from the tree to the consumer, evolves more slowly, mainly influenced by the consumer markets and not by usual inertia of the parties involved.
SANIFRUIT is the only company that has been betting for many years on finding natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals, with a vision of the future that is already a reality.
2021 has brought us significant colds to which we are not accustomed, and which has arrived or can reach areas of citrus production. These hours of cold in severe case can lead to iced fruit losing its commercial quality, which can be easily detected. But there is another factor to consider: the low temperatures suffered by fruit in the tree predispose it to show physiopathies due to cold damage during long-term preservation or for overseas shipments.

Scalded fruit

Cold damage
A significant number of SANIFRUIT customers have been using SANI-RC, the first treatment to protect the fruit from cold damage, replacing the fungicide that had been used as a protector to date.
SANI-RC incorporated into wax provides greater protection against cold damage in citrus fruits than the one previously achieved with benzimidazole, even in extreme cases such as export to China with quarantine period. Always without the use of chemical residues that harm the health of the consumer, as we have been doing since SANIFRUIT was born.
With SANI-RC you can remove another active substance in your fruit treatment program, protecting consumer health and the environment.
SANI-RC can be added to any market wax, although it is true that the best results are achieved when combined with JBT’s Endura Fresh wax range.
Do not do the same things if you want to get better results.
Are you going to keep doing the same?
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