27/06/2024 0 Comments

Post-harvest preservation is a challenge for the citrus industry. The freshness, appearance and quality of the fruit will determine its final value in the market. Citrus exporting companies require post-harvest solutions to the shelf life of the fruit, reducing losses and increasing their profitability.

At Sanifruit we have been listening to your needs for more than 35 years. That is why we develop natural solutions, innovative in this markedly traditional sector in post-harvest treatments.  Not only do we help exporters to be more profitable, but also more committed to sustainability and more competitive than other companies in sector.

What benefits do companies that use Sanifruit solutions obtain?

  1. Increased profitability and reduced complaints

One of the most significant challenges in citrus post-harvest is dehydration, which can lead to considerable losses. The application of our natural solutions for citrus fruits, helps them to create a protective barrier that reduces moisture losses, maintaining the freshness and weight of the fruit. This not only increases profitability by reducing waste, but also decreases the percentage of complaints from customers, guaranteeing a high-quality product from harvest to the final consumer, which is also harmless to their health.

  1. Cold damages

Citrus fruits are susceptible to oxidation, especially through wounds and cold damages. At Sanifruit we have developed solutions that delay this oxidative process, protecting the fruit from external damage. By minimizing oxidation, citrus fruits maintain their appearance and quality longer, which is crucial during storage and transportation.

  1. Extension of the shelf life

The shelf life of citrus fruits is a decisive factor in their market value. The application of our solutions not only improves the appearance of the fruit, but also ensures that the citrus fruit maintains its firmness and freshness throughout the packaging and marketing process. This allows wholesalers and retailers to offer a high-quality product for longer, increasing their competitiveness in the market.

  1. Reduce active ingredients

With increasingly stringent regulations in many global markets, reducing active ingredients in post-harvest treatments is essential. Our solutions comply with these regulations, allowing producers to access more restrictive markets without compromising the quality of their products. This opens new business opportunities and increases export potential.

  1. Vegan wax-free coatings

The UK market has specific demands, especially when it comes to unwaxed lemons and vegan products. Sanifruit offers vegan, wax-free post-harvest coatings that enable exporters to meet these specific requirements, facilitating entry and expansion into this valuable market. This ability to adapt to the needs of different markets is a key competitive advantage.

  1. Prevention of fungal contamination

Fungal contamination, including sour rot infections and other external agents, can cause significant post-harvest losses of citrus. Our solutions protect the fruit from these contaminations, ensuring that the citrus fruits reach the consumer in perfect conditions. This protection is vital to maintaining product health and customer satisfaction.

At Sanifruit we are a strategic ally for citrus exporting companies, to which we also offer close technical advice to apply our solutions properly. We also have equipment to exclusively apply our solutions, providing a comprehensive service to companies in the sector.

For further information, click on the link and fill in the form. Our experts will contact you quickly.






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